Poem Of The Month - September, 2024

A Dance of Seasons by Labeeqa Baneen - Pakistan

In summer’s glow, the days stretch wide,

Sun-kissed fields where warmth resides.

The golden light, a gentle breeze,

Whispers secrets through the trees.

Yet as it burns, the world grows dry,

The flowers fade, the rivers sigh.


Then autumn steps with rustling feet,

Her hands paint gold where green did meet.

The leaves, they blush, then softly fall,

A fading fire, nature’s call.

The air turns crisp, a cooling breath,


As life prepares for winter’s death...

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Poem Of The Month - August, 2024

All that Ramains! by Christa Bruhn - United States

Sunny window

All that remains

Of their home

No sun shines

Beneath the rubble

Where even screams

Are inaudible...

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Poem Of The Month - July, 2024

Endless Pursuit! by Dirha Qazi - Pakistan

Should I tell you how does it feel

To long for, what is never achieved?

Somewhere far, distant,

A destiny stands.

No matter how I strive,

It'll never be in my hands.

And even though I know I'd die in the end,

And my destiny won't embrace me in its arms

But the pursuit is what

The achievers shall never understand

The tonnes of sweat, the blood it will shed;

The glory of loss, the gratification it intends

Once I had coffee with my unconquerable fate,

I told it about all the things I had put on stake;

The life I was willing to give up a thousand times;

The other trivial things I could immediately sacrifice...

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Poem Of The Month - June, 2024

Nostalgia by Hamda Rafaaqat - Pakistan

When first we met, 

You were a stranger, an enigma to me, 

Yet in you, I found a kindred spirit, 

A soul who offered me solace. 

You appeared at my threshold,

A gentle rapping on my door...

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Poem Of The Month - July, 2023

Sympathy by Labeeqa Baneen - Pakistan

In times of sorrow, when tears do flow,

A gentle hand, a heart aglow.

With empathy's touch, we lend an ear,

To soothe the pain, to show we're near.


Through troubled waters, we softly tread,

Walking alongside, no words unsaid.

A comforting presence, a soothing sound,

In sympathy's embrace, solace is found...

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Poem Of The Month - May, 2023

A Miracle! by Narjis Raza - Pakistan

Miracle, oh miracle, so rare and divine,

A moment of wonder that makes our hearts shine,

It appears when we least expect it to be,

A gift from the heavens, for all to see.


The magic of life, the wonders of nature,

The beauty of love, the power of nurture,

All around us, these miracles abound,

In the smallest detail, they can be found.


It’s the flutter of wings of a bird in flight,

Or the first ray of sun after a dark, stormy night,

It’s the beating of a heart, against all the odds,

Or the blooming of a flower, breaking through the sods...

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Poem Of The Month - April, 2023

Divinity Within Us! by Imama Khawaja - Pakistan

All these forgetful beings

Seeking temporary refuge

In mortal me, mortal you

falling and failing to see

The power of divinity...

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Poem Of The Month - March, 2023

Forbidden Regret by Dirha Qazi - Pakistan

Vision obscured

And a mind of fog,

A faith composed of doubts

And threats,

And a counsel of friends -

Unable to control,

Unable to defend,

The crime,

I later named ‘Regret’.

I remember there were, a few more,

Who contributed, who let

The Macbeth in me drown

And the Hamlet in me take

The most unwise decisions,

The most foul resolves...

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Poem Of The Month - February, 2023

An Honest Betrayal ! by Amina Ali - Pakistan

Off he goes to earn bread,

Attached with him a thousand strings-

Of unattended desires,


Oh ! But her dazzling eyes,

For which he lives, for which he dies,

Yet, as time goes,

The youth fades and the glow diminishes,


If she asks,

He smiles it off...

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Poem Of The Month - January, 2023

Unsworn Promise by Dirha Qazi - Pakistan

The sun is offended

Will it rise again?

The darkness illuminates

Is it here to stay?

The last laughter echoed

A hundred years ago,

Will someone laugh

Ever in here again?...

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